
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Americana House Quilt

Awhile back, I made this pillow front for a display for Furnishing Hope on behalf of The House Quilt Project.  It conveyed to me what Furnishing Hope is all about.

Tania Alexander from Furnishing Hope made my artwork into a pillow. One of the designers, who is preparing an installation for a wounded service member used this pillow as the inspiration for the decor.  I offered to make them an Americana house quilt to go with the pillow.
And I could have asked another artist to make this, but it was really close to Christmas, and really, I wanted to make it myself, since I had made the pillow.  It was my honor to make this for The Linville Family.  It gave me great joy!  "Welcome Home!"

1 comment:

  1. It's just beautiful, Jamie, and so kind of you to make it. Your houses are always so cheerful and full of hope.
