
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Americana House Quilt

Awhile back, I made this pillow front for a display for Furnishing Hope on behalf of The House Quilt Project.  It conveyed to me what Furnishing Hope is all about.

Tania Alexander from Furnishing Hope made my artwork into a pillow. One of the designers, who is preparing an installation for a wounded service member used this pillow as the inspiration for the decor.  I offered to make them an Americana house quilt to go with the pillow.
And I could have asked another artist to make this, but it was really close to Christmas, and really, I wanted to make it myself, since I had made the pillow.  It was my honor to make this for The Linville Family.  It gave me great joy!  "Welcome Home!"

Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas from The House Quilt Project!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Flag House

Flag House for a Wounded Service Member by Teresa Shippy of Santa Ana, California

detail of painted flag