
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Paradise Conch House

Paradise Conch House by quilt artist Cheryl Lynch from Broomall, PA; you can see her other work on her blog

Great palm tree!

Regional architecture provides lots of inspiration for my quilts. I hope this little colorful house, inspired by the conch houses of Key West, brings a smile to the face of a brave hero.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Heart House

Made by Robin Koehler, from Tarpon Springs, Florida.  When the world is upside down, there is no cliche to "Home is where the Heart is" for the military families who keep a strong  home base no matter where in the world it is!  Thank you to the active duty and the families for their sacrifices.  It is an honor to give this small bit of myself to you!
Detail.  You can view Robin's work at

Friday, February 3, 2012

Country House

Made by Susan Grancio, from Reistertown, MD.  I like to participate in challenges as they get me to think in new ways. The House Quilt Project attracted my interest because the theme, while specific was also totally wide open. The small and specific size was very attractive, as the design and construction did not require a huge amount of time or materials. The bonus is that the quilts are going to such an excellent cause. I enjoyed making this quilt and have several ideas for other houses that I will tackle when we get home from San Diego – a month in sunny warm weather is a good thing, but no machine, fabrics or tools not so much!
detail; her website